Zecharia Sitchin The 12Th Planet Ebook


Zecharia Sitchin. English. The VLibrary Veritas Library is an online collection of ebooks by various authorities in the field of metaphysics and the occult. All the ebooks. Introduction. Updated 29th August 2017. Opening up The Satanic Craft Of Inculcation In Practice webpage http may take a few minutes. Astonishing Human Heads Do Satellite Photographs Now Prove Existence of Humans on Antarctica6000 Years Ago Part I Read the article on one page. Astonishing Human Heads Do Satellite Photographs Now Prove Existence of Humans on Antarctica6. Years Ago Part IAccurate geographical and cartographical information concerning the continent of Antarctica has only really been uncovered since AD 1. However, in direct contradiction, ancient maps reveal Antarctica completely free of glaciation thousands of years beforehand. According to experts in ancient cartography and oceanography, only a very advanced maritime culture exploring Antarctica after the end of the last Ice Age, 1. So, who was this suddenly, incredibly advanced civilization The beautiful but formidable landscape of Antarctica. Public Domain The failure to find an acceptable answer to this cartographic mystery led to speculation that ancient maps were produced by highly advanced aliens, because to produce maps of huge continental land masses, they could only be plotted accurately from an aerial perspective using surveying equipment especially designed for the purposeSo, aliens excluded, which highly technically advanced cartographers could traverse our planet many thousands of years before the likes of Columbus, et al Where did they come from and how did they come to possess the expertise and navigational ability to sail vast oceans and, most importantly, to record their findings on maps alleged to have been the sources of information passed on to modern explorers like Columbus, Cook, Magellan or Vasco da Gama, for example. I/61wvOohOecL.jpg' alt='Zecharia Sitchin The 12Th Planet Ebook' title='Zecharia Sitchin The 12Th Planet Ebook' />Surprising Satellite Photography Reveals Antarcticas Distant Past To quote an example, there is the 1. Century Buache map which he Buache claims to have been made by a very ancient civilization which accurately mapped the continent of Antarctica completely free of its one mile deep ice cap. However, with no concrete proof to substantiate his claims, experts suspect Buaches map was probably the product of a vivid imagination. Zecharia Sitchin The 12Th Planet Ebook' title='Zecharia Sitchin The 12Th Planet Ebook' />The core claim of the November 2011 District Court filing is that the bonds apprehended in Chiasso, Italy in June 2009 by the Italian financial police were. But was it We shall see later. Map of the Southern Lands contained between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Pole, where the new discoveries made in 1. Cape of Good Hope may be seen by Philippe Buache. Public Domain Author, space archaeologist, and independent researcher, William James Veall has taken advantage of Antarcticas present narrow extension of coastal deglaciation and used remote sensing satellite photography to expose a number of absolutely astonishing human heads and animal portraits together with inscriptive material clearly demonstrating someone had touched down on at least three separate areas of Antarctica coastline in the distant past. FIGURE 1  Modern map of Antarctica indicating the section of the Ross Sea coastline, the subject of Space Archaeologist William James Vealls probing by remote sensing satellite in red and the extended ice free section of the Ross Sea coastline as shown on the AD 1. I/4199FJ080ZL._SR600%2C315_PIWhiteStrip%2CBottomLeft%2C0%2C35_PIAmznPrime%2CBottomLeft%2C0%2C-5_PIStarRatingTHREEANDHALF%2CBottomLeft%2C360%2C-6_SR600%2C315_ZA(31%20Reviews)%2C445%2C286%2C400%2C400%2Carial%2C12%2C4%2C0%2C0%2C5_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg' alt='Zecharia Sitchin The 12Th Planet Ebook' title='Zecharia Sitchin The 12Th Planet Ebook' />Zecharia Sitchin The 12Th Planet EbookOronteus Finaeus marked green. William Veall continues Many readers of Ancient Origins already know I use the technique of remote sensing satellite photography to expose ground based imagery rock sculptures, intaglios, pictographs, petroglyphs and epigraphy symbols. Currently, I am also involved in using satellite technology for the extremely important service of detection, preservation and protection of archaeological sites world wide from theft and acts of vandalism. Global. Xplorer Utilizing this same technique, I have been very successful tracing the coastline hops of trans oceanic voyagers around South America, the seaboard of North East America, Newfoundland, the West Coast of Africa, Uruguay and even down the eastern coast of Australia see table 1 with some most incredible revelations. Zecharia Sitchin The 12Th Planet Ebook' title='Zecharia Sitchin The 12Th Planet Ebook' />FIGURE 2  Table 1. Ancient symbols discovered along the eastern coastline of Australia by William James Veall, March 2. Copyright WJV 2. 01. Was Antarctica Once Ice Free Following the rather fruitful foray along the east coast of Australia I decided to chance my luck and put to the test the statement made by the Greek geographer, cartographer and mathematician, Marinus of Tyre who in 4. BC reported he had knowledge of an ancient map depicting Antarctica free of ice. Logically, the nearest point of any trans oceanic contact with Antarctica using the eastern Australian coastline as a guide would be to cross the South Atlantic, sail into the Antarctic circle, and come ashore at some point roughly in the region of Wilkes Land the same area selected by Ross in AD 1. It is not unreasonable to assume on the premise that the extreme eastern Australian seaboard runs southwards following roughly the 1. The Satanic Craft Of Inculcation In Practise Arthur Cristian Love For Life 4th March 2. Introduction Updated 2. August 2. 01. 7Opening up The Satanic Craft Of Inculcation In Practice webpage http loveforlife. However, it is worth the wait because, as a detailed webpage into the big picture we seesense of reality and fantasy, and with The Quick User Guide http loveforlife. The Selfie Of Freakenstein http loveforlife. The System is, the remedy to The System we call Kindom, which is what Love For Life is all about and what we, the Cristian family, stand for and where we are heading. It is best to wait until the The Satanic Craft Of Inculcation In Practice webpage is fully loaded before scrolling down. Dont bother with the left hand menu at this stage. The Quick User Guide http loveforlife. Love For Life insights up in readiness for the free Love For Life e book but, because of its enormity, we have made a teaser which appears on the home page http loveforlife. Quick User Guide http loveforlife. Since March 2. 01. The Selfie Of Freakenstein http loveforlife. The Satanic Craft Of Inculcation In Practice http loveforlife. The Love For Life Quick User Guide http loveforlife. Love For Life insight work that we started in March 2. We are finally bringing together the many insights weve been unfolding and gathering over the past 1. Love For Life e book full of simple sketch illustrations. Fighting Sound Effects. We are currently looking for simple sketch illustrators to assist with the e book right through to a series of Love For Life music production videos and eventually a documentary and finally a film showing the big picture of how our ancestors, with good hearts, fell from paradise DO NO HARM way of life and how all their descendants with good hearts have never been able to return to Paradise, remaining completely stuck in ways of life that support, condone and acquiesce to DOING HARM ways of life and expanding that. It shows what The System of Doing Harm really is, how it is made, how it really works, why it is like it is, who benefits, what the real consequences are and the remedy to getting out of there and back to paradise in this life. The Selfie Of Freakenstein and the drawing upon insights from The Satanic Craft Of Inculcation In Practise and their comments sections are collectively the Love For Life pallet of paint from which well produce the free Love For Life e book. We aim to make the free e book a two hour read, or thereabouts. The Satanic Craft Of Inculcation In Practise and its comments section is a massive read and there are many Love For Life videos embedded there, including a July to September 2. Breaking The Illusion Of Self Obsession Junkies The Background To The System, made with Jahnick Leaunier of The Tru Mon Show. These videos are embedded below in this webpage and can also be found here Breaking The Illusion Of Self Obsession Junkies The Background To The System Series Of Love For Life Videos July to Aug 2. If you dont fully comprehend the difference between SENSE and NON SENSE and the consequences of not being able to distinguish between them, then diving into the links provided above will help you comprehend the big picture of why this is so important. Until then, in the sort of cryptic mishmash of the Love For Life websites Quick User Guidehttp loveforlife. The Selfie Of Freakensteinhttp loveforlife. The Satanic Craft Of Inculcation In Practise, you will find information on our background and activity from Facebook and You. Tube discussions, intense conversations on other forums, email correspondence and website posts and we are even using the comments section of this webpage to post more insight information as they arise from wherever, however, so that we can find it when we need it. Prior to the 1. 8th March 2. The Satanic Craft Of Inculcation In Practise and since then, we have been posting everything in The Selfie Of Freakenstein http loveforlife. The Satanic Craft Of Inculcation In Practise including the comments section provides examples of how we are using our lives as guinea pigs to show what exactly is The System, how it works and who the perpetrators are, information that cannot be found anywhere in any of the information of The System. Below contains a series of documents filed in ACAT ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal and the ACT Australian Capital Territory Supreme Court in Canberra for a defamation case against Fiona Cristian, owner of this website, that went between March 2. Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 (10 Year License Key). October 2. 01. 6. These documents give a clear sense of how we engaged with these people. Full details, including the latest updates, are included in this thread. Scroll down to find it. NSW Supreme Court Case. Macquarie BankPerpetual Limited vs Fiona Cristian. Victims Of Bank Fraud Condoned By Judges. Posted 1. 2th July 2. When you are on the real road to freedom, the perpetrators have to come out into the open to try to stop us and this is how they reveal themselves, even though they hide behind lackeys. It has nothing to do with the Military, the Police, the Government and the Courts but goes back out of plain sight to another level again, even though they are all involved. In fact, everything is in plain sight but we are conditioned not to recognise it. Even though the military, police, politicians, courts, government agencies and religious leaders are controlled by those who have sold out to Freemasonry above the farce of the show pony, benevolent, charity levels, the real secrets are shared between only a very, very few at the top, who may be hiding behind some of these guises or not. They do not want their greatest secrets of how they really control MAN exposed because then they lose all their power. There have been many men and women who have been unravelling these secrets and the Love For Life work has also unravelled many of them using scrutiny to overturn every stone, going where truth takes us and honing our noses on the scent through over three and a half thousand debates. Eleven years later, we have come to the culmination of the Love For Life work because we have worked out exactly how and why MAN is controlled and what the remedy to the horrors of The System is. We have let go of all belief, faith and associated opinion, which is where most people get stuck because they are unwilling to put their beliefs to the test of scrutiny to see how they stack up, so any information that does not fit into the boxes of their belief is disregarded. This is why they remain easily controlled system robots. Go here to see some recent examples of this The Spinning Top Full Bloom Inculcation Arthur And Fiona Cristian Facebook Discussion 8th to 1. December 2. 01. 6 http loveforlife. To us, everything those of The System throw at us only validates the insights of the Love For Life work because we are deconstructing their true methods and pushing them out into mainstream, which we have been doing since 2. However, we have to keep pushing harder as we are getting closer and closer to the completion of their plans to bring in the New World Order NWO as announced by George Bush Snr back in the 1. Most people have no idea of what the NWO really is as it has been intentionally white anted as a conspiracy theory and played out in the media, by pied piper story tellers and Hollywood to desensitise us.