The Kitty Patch Nevada


Conventional Weapons Atomic Rockets. Kinetic weapons are the counterpart to lasers. Almost all space weapons to date have been kinetic based the balance being nuclear. A nevercomplete listing of private dicks and janes, and selected other tough guys and gals, listed by character, with all appearances in novels, short stories, film. Wolverines life began in Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada, sometime between 18, a couple. Daily Porn Videos, Porn SiteRips, Porn Movies, Kostenlose Pornos. The Kitty Patch Nevada' title='The Kitty Patch Nevada' />The simple fact is that kinetic weapons are a natural outgrowth of space travel, which is about moving stuff from one point to another, generally very fast. The only difference is that the kinetic does not have to come to a stop. Kinetics are best described by Robinsons First Law of Space Warfare anything hitting something at 3 kms has kinetic energy equal to its own mass in TNT, or one Rick. Ricks scale with the square of velocity, so something at 6 kms has 4 Ricks. Given that any scenario with enough human space presence for a war virtually requires transit velocities well above that, kinetics are both lethal and relatively cheap. Kinetics can be deployed in three ways lancers, missiles, and projectors. Each has a different set of characteristics which would significantly alter their employment. Lancers are the tactic of pointing a spaceship at a target, dumping a bunch of stuff, and turning away. There is a discussion on tactical lancers above, in the section on fighters. Setup Torrent Tracker List. In the PMF, lancers are only useful at the strategic level, and usually are hard to distinguish from missiles. The IPBM mentioned above is an example of a strategic lancermissile bus. If the lancer is reusable, then for a given payload this is the cheapest option, both in the launcher and in the projectiles, assuming that the recovery works. Any lancer is likely to drop a number of submunitions, like the SCODs described below. Missiles are more expensive in terms of projectiles, but cheap in launchers. They suffer from serious performance issues or high costs. Either they are cheap, small, chemfuel, and low velocity, or theyre easy to confuse with a lancer. Theres some overlap with the other two types of kinetics, as all kinetic projectiles are self steering. Missiles are also the most practical way to deploy specialty weapons like nuclear warheads. A missile is unlikely to be a unitary weapon. Instead it will carry submunitions, which have been termed Soda Cans of Death, or SCODs, for their size and general shape. This is generally believed to be the minimum practical size for this sort of projectile. Whether it will be a long rod or some sort of bursting projectile depends on exactly what the technical parameters are. In any case, the submunitions each have to have the seeker system and thrusters required of larger projectiles. Projectors are anything that launches a projectile from a ship. Examples include railguns, coilguns, and chemical guns. They have cheap projectiles and expensive launchers. They are similar to lasers in terms of use, as both are rather expensive and have large reusable components, though projectors are affected by both velocity and position. The use of projectors instead of lasers will depend on the specific technical details involved, as well as the operational requirements of the builder. A single projector round is also likely to be very similar to an SCOD. There are several interesting principles of kinetics. The first is that virtually all kinetics will be guided. Unless the range is truly point blank or the kinetics are very improvised, guidance will be ubiquitous. Take the 1. 0 meter diameter laserstar from the previous section. Its now being shot at with unguided kinetics that have a time of flight of 1 minute. The target area is thus 7. V of. 1. 66. 67 ms. This is within the acceleration capabilities of even most nuclear electric drives, and the use of thrusters capable of higher accelerations reduces the delta V requirement farther, to a theoretical minimum of. V. Now lets look at the possibility of firing multiple projectiles. If the thrusters are capable of accelerating at 1 ms. This gives a total of 1. If the projectiles mass 2. This analysis neglects the issues of point defense, which is likely to raise the required mass by at least an order of magnitude, and the fact that 6. Guided projectiles would significantly reduce the mass requirements. Take the most primitive possible projectile, which homes for the last 1. Its potential hit circle would cover an area of 7. However, the fact that these are circles, which do not stack well, would tend to reduce the practical cross sections if complete coverage is demanded to 5. Once this is taken into account, the center hit requires 2. In reality, a projectile would have significantly better performance, probably equal to or better than that of the ship at this range, meaning only a single projectile would be needed under this model. Some have pointed out that the cost of guided projectiles would be significantly higher than that of an unguided one. The problem is that the analysis above shows such as significant mass advantage for guided projectiles that it is virtually impossible to see a situation in which unguided projectiles are more cost effective, particularly given transportation costs. Against the laserstar above, the time of flight for an unguided projectile would have to be below 3. At expected flight projectile velocities, the range would be in the tens or hundreds of kilometers, far closer than even point blank range for lasers. Before we go farther, a brief discussion of kinetic impacts is in order. What happens when objects impact at the velocities in question is totally outside everyday experience and somewhat counterintuitive. In collisions at or above 3 kms, kinetic energy dominates over momentum, and impacts resemble explosions more than anything. Despite this, and contrary to intuition and popular belief, the shape of the projectile does strongly affect the dynamics of the collision. A hypervelocity impact can be divided into four phases. First, there is a transient shock, and the front of the projectile is brought to rest relative to the target. This produces very high temperatures and pressures, and a bright flash. During the next phase, the projectile continues to penetrate into the target, but is eroded as it does so. The length of this phase depends on the length of the projectile and the speed of sound in it. If the object penetrates the target, the shocked portion will disintegrate, spewing fragments. These fragments will come from both projectile and target, and will separate into two cones, one that is basically normal to the surface just penetrated while the other continues at about the same angle the projectile hit at. At the same time, if a portion of the projectile is unshocked, it will continue onward, penetrating deeper into the ship. This could allow a long rod to go through multiple compartments, getting shorter each time, and leaving clouds of fragments in its wake. The fragments would spread, distributing the damage over a greater area. If an outer whipple shield was used to shock the projectile, the spreading fragment cloud might lack the energy required to penetrate the main armor behind it. Even if it fails to penetrate, however, spalling shockwaves knocking fragments off the back of the armor could result, with unpleasant consequences for anyone on the other side. If the object fails to penetrate, then cavitation occurs when the projectile is completely eroded, as the cavity continues to expand under its own momentum. During the fourth phase, the cavity might shrink slightly as the material rebounds. These two might also occur if the impactor penetrates, but the effect is not terribly important compared to the effects of penetration. Private Eyes Other Tough Guys M ZEVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT Private Eyes Other Tough Guys. A never complete listing of private dicks and janes, and selected other tough guys and gals, listed by character, with all appearances in novels, short stories, film, television, radio and other media. Inclusion on this list generally means Ive heard of the eye, and that if a bio and bibliography is missing, chances are that its forthcoming, but not necessarily. If I seem to have neglected your fave, why not contact us If you cant remember the name of the eye youre looking for, you can always search for them via the Film, Television, Radio or Comics listings. Or you can use our Google powered Search Engine. Remember, your comments, suggestions, corrections and contributions are always welcome. At the tone, just leave your name and number and Ill get back to you. And before you get all hot and bothered and start getting your panties all twisted because I left your hero off the list, please read What is a private eye ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZNRalph Nader. Red Rusty Nales. Nameless Bill Pronzini. Vic Nardozza. Darrow Nash. Hamilton Nash. Nick Naught. Tres Navarre. Navarro and Briggs Nikki Neal. Nebraska. Jerry Nelson. Rocky Nelson. Vicki Nelson. Johnny Nemo. 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Richard. RickRichard A Gun, A Car, A Blonde. Frank Richmond. Matt Richter. Big Dick Rickenbacher. Magnus Ridolph. Alice Riley. Bill Riley. Jimmy Soldier Riley Ray Parker.