How To Transfer File Using Putty Serial Port


Setting the Defaults for PUTTY Ethereal. Mind. Putty is is a great piece of software. Because it works and its free I find it installed on most corporate desktops as the default software for terminal client on Windows. After all, Microsoft doesnt supply any SSH in Windows or even telnet capability in Vista. Vuescan 8.3 32 Serial here. Notes/Misc/Linux-PuTTY-Transfering-Files/media/example.png' alt='How To Transfer File Using Putty Serial Port' title='How To Transfer File Using Putty Serial Port' />Welcome to The CHIP Operating System. We made a computer. A 9 computer. And every computer needs an operating system. Ours is The CHIP Operating System. Not many people seems to realise that Putty is highly customisable and has a number of features that will improve your working environment. Set the Rows Scrollback Lines. PuTTY is the worlds most popular free SSH and telnet client. Downloads, tutorials, howtos, vulnerabilities. By default Putty only keeps the last 2. For a typical network engineer, this isnt enough to show the configuration, must less any decent amount of text. Typically I would set the default to be 2. And since most screens allows more than 2. How To Transfer File Using Putty Serial Port' title='How To Transfer File Using Putty Serial Port' />How To Transfer File Using Putty Serial PortI would increase the Window Rows to forty. If you change the Windows Rows to forty, then you should also change your device terminal settings to use forty lines as well. See IOS Setting the Terminal Windows Length for a good ish description of this. Note that every Putty session will allocate a block of memory sufficient to hold those lines in a buffer. Making it too large may impact your computer by reducing the amount of memory available. Setting the SCROLLBACK to 2. Using Font Aliasing. The choice to use Antialiased or aliased fonts is a bit complicated, but its a serious decision affecting how easy on the eyes ad how quickly you can read the screen. Less reading errors results in better work performance. The best choice here is Clear. Type. Cleartype Font Aliasing. Window NamesTitle. Its common for me to have more than ten putty sessions open at a single time. With that many windows you need a way to tell them apart, thus, some names on the box would be useful in identifying. Window Title. And the result will look something like this Title of the Window for Putty. Keepalives and enabling Nagles Algorithm. Nagle. Nagles Algorithm. Nagles algorithm is particularly useful when attempting to transfer a lot of information in the terminal. For example, when logging at high speed or pasting large configurations to your console there are many other criteria that affect this, but this is one of them. Wikipedia http en. Naglesalgorithm. Nagles algorithm, named after John Nagle, is a means of improving the efficiency of TCPIP networks by reducing the number of packets that need to be sent over the network. Nagles document, Congestion Control in IPTCP Internetworks RFC8. Since TCP packets have a 4. TCP, 2. 0 bytes for IPv. This situation often occurs in Telnet sessions, where most keypresses generate a single byte of data which is transmitted immediately. Worse, over slow links, many such packets can be in transit at the same time, potentially leading to congestion collapse. Keepalives. Keepalives are most useful when running terminal sessions through firewalls. If a telnetssh terminal doesnt keep traffic flowing then it will mark the session for timeout. Once the session times out you will need to reconnect and go through the login procedure again. SSH Options. Lets looks at some of the SSH Connection Options and which items you should think about. SSH Connections Options. SSH Version. Putty has a default that selects SSH Version 2 but will fallback to SSH Version 1 if needed. This is the best choice for defaults and recommend that you do NOT change this. Note that early versions of IOS did not support Version 2 SSHv. June 2. 00. 7 in IOS Version 1. E, SSHv. 1 was Sep 2. IOS Version 1. 2. T, and only Version 1 and some versions of Putty did not fall back gracefully. For these cases, you would need to configure the version for that session only, not as a default for your global default. Encryption Algorithms. Its generally accepted that DES is insecure for practical purposes. However, if you have a Cisco device that doesnt have an Strong Encryption license it is free, all you have to do is supply the serial number and fill out the form on Ciscos web site to meet the US government requirements that says you arent a terrorist www. I wouldnt set this as a global default. SSH Compression. SSH Secure Shell uses GNU ZLIB LZ7. The zlib compression is described in RFC 1. RFC 1. 95. 1. The client can request a compression level with a number after C from C1 to C9. Chrome Software Reporter Tool. In this case, the compression level is between the levels requested by the client and offered by the server. For example, if the server offers level 6 the default and the client asks for level 1, level 2 is used. Compression is worth using if your connection is slow for example a modem connection. The efficiency of the compression depends on the type of the file, and varies widely. It is close to 0 for already compressed files like zip and often 5. Compression. htmlAs far as I can tell, Cisco IOS does not support compression. I believe that it wouldnt make any difference since transferring large volumes of data is not the normal condition when connecting to terminal sessions. Can be safely left alone. Serial Settings. Putty did not always have serial capability. If it doesnt show then you need to download a later version and get it installed. Putty Home Page. Putty Serial Console settings. Copying A Program To Cd. Since 9. 60. 0,N,8,1 is the default serial configuration for Cisco equipment, I would not change this. I have seen some companies who have a standard configuration for IOS devices that set the serial port bit rate to 3. I would still not change the global default. Saving the Global Default. This post covers saving these default settings for every new connection that you make with putty. Wrapup. Thats enough for this post I think, I have some more things that I think are worth documenting, but I will do them later on. You can see all the posts by checking the Console Mastery series button at the top of the page, which lists all the post in the Console Mastery series. If you have any tips or tricks for putty, either get in contact via the Contact Form or drop me an email myetherealmind gmail dot com. Other Posts in A Series On The Same Topic. Putty Fixing Right Click Paste 9th January 2. Putty, the Command Line and NO clicky clicky 5th October 2. Putty Recommended Default Settings for a Network Engineer 2. September 2. 00. 9Setting the Defaults for PUTTY 2. September 2. 00. 9.