How To Install Startup Manager In Linux Mint


Stepbystep tutorial with screenshots to show how to install Linux Mint on Windows 8 HyperV virtual machineVDI. If you havent already, grab your copy of new APLinux here. DISCLAIMER This installation can ERASE all your data if you dont know what you are doing. How To Install Startup Manager In Linux Mint' title='How To Install Startup Manager In Linux Mint' />How To Install Startup Manager In Linux MintLinux Mint 1. Qiana Cinnamon. Linux Mint 1. Qiana Cinnamon. Linux Mint 1. Qiana. Mint is one of the best linux distros that targets desktop users with focus on usability and simplicity. It comes in various flavors with different desktop environments like Mate and Cinnamon and different base distros like Ubuntu or Debian. In this post we are playing with the cinnamon edition of Linux Mint 1. More information about the Cinnamon edition including download links can be found at http blog. Download the correct iso 3. Once you install completes, its time to charge up the system with some tweaks and essential apps to get the best performance and experience. Update the system. The first thing to do always is to make the system up to date. Run the following commands in a terminal. Or use the Update Manager mint. Update that can be found in Menu Administration. Get old wallpapers. Every release of Linux Mint comes with a new set of nice wallpapers. But you can also install wallpapers from the previous versions. Get more browsers. Linux Mint 1. 7 has firefox installed by default. You can get more browsers like Chromium and Google Chrome. The chromium browser is available in the repositories. For Google Chrome visit google. Or run the following commands 6. Install Flash Player. The adobe flash plugin package adobe flashplugin is installed by default on Mint so should be able to play flash games and videos inside Firefox. Google Chrome now uses the Pepper API based flash player which comes inbuilt with it, so you dont need to do anything for Chrome either. For Chromium however, the Pepper based flash player is not included being a non free component and has to be installed manually. Install the following package to install the pepper flash player for Chromium. It will download the pepper flash player from Google Chrome browser and put it inside Chromium. The above command should setup the flash player in Chromium. Incase it fails to download, redo the process with the following command sudo dpkg reconfigure pepperflashplugin nonfree. Install multimedia codecs. The restricted extras package would install most of the essential codecs for playing formats like mp. It would also install the microsoft fonts. To enable playback of encrypted dvds, install the following package. Install proprietory drivers. If you are having an nvidia or ati graphics card or broadcom wireless card, then install the proprietory drivers provided by the vendor. These drivers would get you the best hardware performance. For installing nvidia drivers you can follow the previous post here. How to install the latest Nvidia drivers on Linux Mint. Install Dropbox. Linux mint repository already has the package for dropbox client, so you need not go elsewhere. If you still prefer to download dropbox from the official website then head straigh to https www. Ubuntu. Copy is another cloud storage solution that has a native Linux client. Check it out at copy. It also has a ppa repository. Skype. Skype is available in the Ubuntu canonical partner repositories. Install rar and other archiving utilities. To be able to create rar archives from the context menu in file managers like Nemo, install the rar utility. Along with rar, install a few more packages to add support for other archive formats. Install a clipboard manager. Clipboard managers allow you to maintain and access history of items that you copied in the past using CtrlC for example. There are many clipboard managers for gnome like diodon, clipit, glipper, parcellite. Diodon seemd to have some issues on the cinnamon desktop, that scrollers would appear as the history list grows. Clipit and Glipper worked very well. You can install either sudo apt get install glipper. Then launch them from the Application menu and they should start everytime you login. Tweak the desktop. Cadena Epidemiologica Del Chagas Pdf. Fix the date format on the system tray. The time applet at the bottom right shows only the time. It can be made to show the date as well. Right click the date time applet on the bottom right and click Configure. Check the box labelled Use a custom date format and fill inB e, I M p. This would show the month name, date and time in 1. AMPM2. Install Themes, Extensions, Applets, Desklets. Get some goodies for your desktop. You have desklets for the desktop area, applets for the panel, extensions for desktop effects and themes for the desktop design. Go to system settings, click on the specific icon and you would see a list to select from. Click the Get more online tab to download more such goodies. Change Firefox search engine. You might notice that Firefox has the Yahoo search engine selected by default and the search engine list does not have Google in it. Click Manage Search Engines Get more search engines. It will take you to http www. Scroll down to the section of commercial search engines and find the Google logo and click on it. Once you are on the next page, click on the search engine list again and this time you would see an option Add Google. Click on it and Google search engine would be available. Guake dropdown terminal. Dropdown terminals allow you to access terminals at the press of a single key. Guake is one such dropdown terminal for gtk based desktops. Dropdown terminals showhide upon request and keep running so you do not need to open the terminal from the menu or launcher. This is a must have tool for terminal addicts sudo apt get install guake. Guake needs to be configured to start everytime on Logon. First find out the path to the guake command. Now add it to the list of startup applications. Go to system settings startup programs and click Add. Fill the dialog. Name Guake dropdown terminal. Command usrbinguake. Click Add. Now Guake is in the list of running applications and would start automatically everytime. Uget download manager. Uget is a simple and robust cross platform download manager and works very well on Linux. It lacks the ability to download files in multiple parts, but is still a very stable download manager. Deluge Bit. Torrent client. Linux Mint comes with Transmission which is a simple and efficient torrent client. If you are looking for a more featureful torrent client, than you can try out the deluge or vuze formerly azureus, or qbittorrent. Hardinfo System information tool. Hardinfo is a very convenient gui tool that reports a whole lot of information about various hardware parts on your system. You can check information about processor, memory, storage device, network configuration, printers, usb devices, soundvideo adapters etc all in one place. It also has features to test and measure the performance of your system sudo apt get install hardinfo. University Of Washington Rotc Program more. Install MATE desktop environment. Apart from Cinnamon the other popular desktop environment that comes with Linux Mint is the MATE Maatay desktop. Install it if you want to try it. Now you can select the MATE session at the login screen. Make other partitions writable.