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Childd n n l. Nodes n var u this. Talk Iago Wikipedia. JealousyeditIn the Motivations section, it says that he might be jealous of Emilia and Desdemona. Why would he be jealous of them Solid. Natrix 1. 3 1. April 2. UTCBest FriendeditIm not a Shakespeare expert, but is Othellos best friend factually based It sure doesnt seems so from the text I have. I agree. I do not see that Iago is second in friendship to Othello. It is an army situation. Iago is Othellos Ancient, not friend. Wikiadam 0. 8 4. July 2. UTCI dont know. Hes certainly Othellos closest confidant, which to me seems to imply friendship. June 2. 00. 7 UTCMost lineseditIs that really true about the most lines for a non title character in a Shakespeare play What about Julius Caesar play Caesar himself had very few lines, as I recall, and Brutus and Mark Antony were the stars. Does Iago have more lines than Brutus and AntonyUni. Ace. Iago is roughly the third longest Shakespeare role see here at 1. Brutus has 7. 01 Marc Antony 7. Nunh huh 2. 2 2. Jul 2. UTCIagos motivationseditHi im studying Othello for GCSE and i was wondering if anyone could offer any insights as to what Iagos motivations are, in a sense what makes him tick. I will be very greatful. November 2. 00. 5 UTCJust read the darn first scene, it tells all you need to. I wonder how come so many people wonder as to motives when its one of the first things the playgoer or reader is exposed to, and he says it himself. If you dont get it yourself, Ive spelled it out in the main article too. Svartalf 0. 0 3. July 2. UTCYou neednt be that condescending. For centuries critics Coleridge, Bradley and adapters Verdi have found Iagos excuse unconvincing and suggested other, hidden motives. Numerous theoriess are quoted on this page. Charles. The. Bold talk 2. April 2. 01. 0 UTCSince several critics have suggested that Iago was motivated by his latent homosexuality, should that also be added to the list Pyon 1. August 2. 00. 6 UTCIago is jealous of othello because the play is named after othello and not himself. Hey, its a possibility. The whole Iago being jealous of Othello because of the play title. The article seems to miss A. C. Bradleys famous suggestion that Iagos motivation is power alone of being able to manipulate almost every character like a puppet in a plan that gains its incentive through being a plan alone. Sort of a power trip theory, I suppose. I dont think this is covered by the sociopathy header. People like Andy Serkis always miss the point. If Iago was so jealous, why wouldnt he keep referring to his jealousyWhat jealousy he refers to is generally employed post facto as a pretext to explain or justify a deeper motivation. Gunstar hero 2. 0 3. September 2. 00. 7 UTCOff current topic Surely one of Iagos motives is not Othellos infidelity with Emilia, but Emilias infidelity with Othello, for at this point, Othello wasnt romantically involved with anyone, and thus cant be unfaithful to anybody. Lest he is being unfaithful to Iago. Even still, I think it is less ambiguously stated as Emilias infidelity with Othello. Ill change it up now. Will James talk 0. June 2. 00. 9 UTC alright dont bite the kids head off there is a lot of ambiguity as to Iagos motivations if you are a little broad minded and less arrogant 2. September 2. 01. 0 UTCCharacter AnalysiseditAre you kidding me This analysis needs a serious makeover by someone who knows what the hell hes talking about. Complicated my ass. Although very good, the character analysis of Iago is far too complicated for a mere plebian to read, and I think it should be made more, dare I say it, normal. Not everyone is an english literature graduateAlso, the huge block of text is quite off putting and I think it could be broken up, again for simplicity and so it looks less like an essay and more like an encyclopedia entry. Sclaydonuk 1. 7 4. February 2. 00. 6 UTCI agree. This looks like an undergrad lit paper thats just been copied here. It has no place in an encyclopedia. July 2. 00. 6 UTCpardon me if i interrupt, but what does that have to do with a NPOV tag NPOV Gorgonzola 1. July 2. 00. 6 UTCOh, please. What do you guys want Pictures Nellobanana 0. July 2. 00. 6 UTCGiven that the title of that section is A character analysis of Iago which sounds very much like an essay title and taking into account the content thereof with specific reference to WP NOT I have removed the entire section. The information relating to the possible causes for his behaviour has already been stated more succinctly earlier in the article. Any section which contains a statement such as In the end, it is Iagos failure to grasp the more basic concepts of love, trust, loyalty and spirituality which leads to his downfall has no place in an encyclopedia. July 2. 00. 6 UTCI reinstated my end commment in the motivation section. Svartalf 1. 9 5. July 2. UTC. Alright, but I have qualified the final comment which rather stated conjecture as fact, I grant I should have done that in the first place rather than ommiting it, it does state some important information. July 2. 00. 6 UTC pls who knows what the x ray of iagos soliloquy is in othello Anon. Er. What do you mean, x ray Gwerncontribs 1. July. 20. 08 GMTHomosexualityeditCan someone please provide a source for the statement that Iago is a homosexual I dont remember coming across any indication of that in the play itself. Robbie. G 1. 0 3. October 2. 00. 6 UTCThe theory dates back to the 1. Martin Wangh argued that Iagos resentment derives from a projection of Iagos unconscious homosexual wishes for Othello and Cassio. The main basis for it is Iagos highly eroticised description of sleeping with Cassio, when Cassio in his sleep is alleged to mistake Iagos body for Desdemonas. It has been repeated in numerous articles and debated and disputed ever since. It is how Orson Welles directed Michel Mac. Liammir to play Iago in his film. Lamont. Cranston 1. February 2. 00. 7 UTC. I doubt Mac. Liammir needed much encouragement. Paul B 1. 0 0. 6, 5 February 2. UTCUnsourced QuoteseditThere are unsourced quotes in this article Andy Serkiss and Ian Mc. Diarmud notably. These need to be sourced in a Note. Blueberrycalendar 1. April 2. 00. 7 UTCI cant speak for Mc. Diarmid, but Serkiss quote came from his Gollum book. Cyber. Ghostface 1. April 2. 00. 7 UTCThanks is it possible to add this as a note in the article, showing that book as a source Blueberrycalendar 1. April 2. 00. 7 UTCTorments will ope thy lipseditAs I recall, in the edition of Othello I have which I cant seem to find at the moment, the responses to Iagos claim that he will never speak again are. What, not to prayTorments will ope thy lips. The edition footnotes torments with the single word tortures, suggesting, as this article does, that the Venetians intend to torture him and make him, if not talk, then at least scream. It seems to me, though, that while that could be a secondary meaning, the primary meaning, after not to pray has to be that since Iago will not pray, he will surely go to Hell, and there he will not be able to keep from crying out. I thought it was very strange that the edition did not mention this, I thought, obvious interpretation. Is it a standard interpretation in other commentaryTrovatore 0. May 2. 00. 7 UTCId not actually thought of that before.